Transistor biasing MCQ with answer
Objective questions Transistor biasing MCQ
- Transistor biasing is done to keep ……… in the Circuit
- Proper direct current
- proper alternating current
- the base current small
- collector current small
2. Operating point represents :
- Values of I_C \; and \; V_{CE} when signal is applied
- The magnitude of the signal
- zero signal values of I_C\; and \; V_{CE}
- none of the above
3. The potential divider biasing is used in the Amplifier to :
- Make the operating point almost independent of β
- Reduce the DC base current
- Reduce the cost of the circuit
- Limit the input ac signal going to the base
4. The q-point in a voltage amplifier is selected in the middle of the active region because :
- it gives the better stability
- The circuit needs a small DC voltage
- The Biasing circuits then needs less number of resistors
- It gives a distortion less output
5. Thermal Runaway occurs when
- Collector is Reverse biased
- Transistor is not biased
- emitter is forward biased
- Junction capacitance is high
6. The base resistor method is generally used in
- Amplifier current
- switching current
- rectifier current
- none of these
7. The stability factor of the collector feedback bias Circuit is ……… is that of base resistor bias
- The same as
- more than
- less than
- none of these
8. When temperature changes the operating point is shifted due to
- Change in I{cbo}
- change in V_{cc}
- change in the value of circuit resistances
- None of these
9. The value of stability factor for the base resistor bias is
- R_B(β+1)
- (β+1)R_C
- (β+1)
- (β-1)
10. If the temperature increases, the value of V_{BE}
- Remains the same
- is increased
- is decreased
- none of these
11. The potential divider or Universal bias circuit is mostly used because:
- Collector current does not depend on transistor parameters
- Collector current equals the emitter current
- Its stability factor is high
- Its β -Sensitivity is high
12. The DC load line of a transistor:
- Has a negative slope
- is a curved line
- does not contain the Q point
- none of these
13. For linear magnification, the DC operating point on a characteristic curve should be :
- Near the cut off voltage
- anywhere at the collector load line
- in between the cutoff and saturation regions
- near the saturation regions
14. In common base PNP transistor amplifier, power gain is :
- A_vA_i
- \frac{A_v} {A_i}
- \frac{A_i} {A_v}
- None of these.
15. The knee voltage for Si-transistor is :
- 0.3 volt
- 0.5 volt
- 0.7 volt
- 1 volt
16. Voltage gain of two stage RC coupled amplifier is 150, if the voltage gain of the first stage is 15, the voltage gain of second stage is :
- 105
- 10
- 1800
- 8
17. If two stages of a cascaded amplifier Have decimal gains 60 and 30 respectively. then overall gain in DB is :
- 1800
- 90
- 2
- ½
18. The DB gain of a cascaded amplifier equals the :
- Product of individual gains
- Sum of individual gains
- ratio of individual gains
- sum of voltage and current gains
19. Multistage amplifier are used in order to achieve :
- Greater voltage gain
- greater power gain
- greater frequency response
- all of these
20. In a RC coupled amplifier, the coupling condenser:
- Passes only the DC component of output of first stage to input of 2nd stage
- Passes only ac component of output of first stage to input of 2nd stage
- Both a and b
- None of these
21. In a RC coupled amplifier, the transistor are used in in
- CB mode
- CE mode
- CC mode
- All of these
22. Transistor biasing is generally provided by :
- Biasing circuit
- biasing battery
- diode
- None.
23. An idea value of stability factor is :
- 1
- 2
- 3
- None
24. A graph between voltage gain and frequency is known as :
- Ripple factor
- Bandwidth
- Curve
- Frequency resonance
25. The intersection point of DC and AC load line is known as :
- Single point
- Joint
- operating point
- None
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