
Showing 10 of 43 Results

How many 3 digits numbers can be formed from the digits 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 if repetition of the digit is allowed and if repetition of the digit is not allowed?

The first digit can be selected in six ways; and another digit can also be selected in six ways Including the third digit increases

Test the convergence of the series 1/3.7+1/4.9+1/5.11+… | Investigate convergence of the series 1/3.7+1/4.9+1/5.11+… | infinite series problems with solution solved problems in calculus

Test the convergence of the series 1/3.7+1/4.9+1/5.11+… OR  Investigate convergence of the series 1/3.7+1/4.9+1/5.11+…   Solution Here          Let now consider          (which is a […]

Test the convergence of the series Σ cos1/n from n=1 to ∞ | Test the convergence of the series Σ root(n/(n+1)) | infinite series problems with solution solved problems in calculus

Test the convergence of the series  Σ cos1/n from n=1 to ∞ |  Test the convergence of the series Σ root(1/(n+1))

Show that the Geometric series Σ r^n-1=1+r+r^2+r^3+r^4+…..,where r > 0 , is convergent if r < 1and diverges if r ≥ 1| Geometric series solved problems

Show that the Geometric series Σ r^n-1=1+r+r^2+r^3+r^4+…..,where r > 0 , is convergent if r < 1and diverges if r ≥ 1| Geometric series solved problems