According to Insider Intelligence Amozon commanded 14.6% of U.S.A digital market

On other hand Google capture 26.4% and Face book capture 24.1% od U.S.A Market.

Some Company's Growth Rate :- 1. Amazon 18.1% 2. Snap 13% 3. Google 12%

4. Pinterest 9% 5. Twitter 2% 6. Facebook (1.5%)

Amazon ads revenue increase by 18.1 % from last year. It Last year revenue was $8.76 billion.

This massive increase is due to these 2 following Main Reason :-

1. Amazon Have Great e-commerce US Market Capture.

2. Amazon have very Large Cloud Storage in which it store data of lots of company. Which hepls to provide best ads for user.

Andrew Lipsman ( Analyst at Insider Intelligence) said :-“The Ads business goes as the commerce business goes,”

Lipsman said :-Long term I think Amazon is building an absolute advertising juggernaut

One more mojor things is that Amazon have not any problem with Apple's privacy change.