Back in the day, anime might have been seen as a fringe interest, but that is hardly the case these days.

You can find anime all over the world.

In fact, the anime industry is pulling in more money than ever thanks to this growth, and competition between shows is stiffer than fans have ever seen.

So of course, plenty of netizens might be curious which anime series are the most popular in the United States.

In fact, the team at Broadband Choices did some research into the topic, and their results may surprise you.

The crew used search data to pinpoint the most popular anime series in the U.S. using monthly search data.

1. Naruto – 1,970,000

2. Demon Slayer – 1,510,000

3. Pokemon – 1,400,000

4. Jujutsu Kaisen – 1,040,000

5. My Hero Academia – 1,020,000

6. Attack on Titan – 817,000

7. One Piece - 572,000

8. Sailor Moon – 419,000

9. Hunter x Hunter – 349,000

10. Dragon Ball Z – 328,000