Britain faces “knock-on impacts” for the country’s energy supplies such as rocketing prices

if Russia cuts off natural gas flows to Europe, according to National Grid Plc.

Only about 6% of the UK’s gas imports come from Russia, a statistic the government

has so far used to play down the risks of reduced flows to the UK energy system.

The grid operator’s warning is the first time it has openly addressed the threat of Moscow’s decision to throttle fuel supplies.

“It is clear that the cessation of flows of gas into Europe could have knock-on impacts,

including very high prices,” National Grid said Thursday in its early outlook for winter.

Britain’s gas market is linked to Europe through its network of pipelines to the continent and Norway,

and summer prices are already four times higher than usual. But with limited gas storage capacity,

the UK is reliant on Europe for exports in winter and exposed to further disruptions in Russian flows,

which Kremlin insiders say are likely to continue in retaliation for European sanctions

Higher prices would put even more strain on consumer bills that are already projected to reach record levels

in October before rising again in January. There’s mounting pressure on the government

to do more beyond the £400 discount on household tariffs already pledged