What math is hidden in this Sanskrit shloka

What math is hidden in this Sanskrit shlok


भद्राम्बुद्धिसिद्धजन्मगणितश्रद्धा स्म यद् भूपगी:

bhadrāṃbuddhisiddhajanmagaṇitaśraddhā sma yad bhūpagīḥ

~ सद्रत्नमाला (शङ्करवर्मणः)

What math is hidden in this Sanskrit shlok


भद्राम्बुद्धिसिद्धजन्मगणितश्रद्धा स्म यद् भूपगी:

This Sanskrit shlok encrypts the value of pi (π) up to 17 decimal places.

What math is hidden in this Sanskrit shlok


भद्राम्बुद्धिसिद्धजन्मगणितश्रद्धा स्म यद् भूपगी:

In the Katpayadi system, value is 314159265358979324, which represents a value of  π up to 17 decimals.

This Sanskrit shlok encrypts the value of pi (π) up to 31 decimal places.

गोपीभाग्यमधुव्रात-शृङ्गिशोदधिसन्धिग॥ खलजीवितखाताव गलहालारसंधर॥

If you want to know what is the ancient Indian Katapyadi encoding system 

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