
LottieFiles x WordPress

LottieFiles x WordPress


Add free Lottie animations to your WordPress site with the LottieFiles for WordPress plugin -- even if you can't code or design.


The easiest way to add animation to WordPress



Add animation to your WordPress site in just a few clicks. No coding or design skills required.

Animate your WordPress site in minutes


Use the magic of motion design to engage users, boost conversions and deliver memorable web experiences

Increase user engagement


Faster page load speeds

Why use Lottie animations?

Lotties are 600% smaller than GIFs. This means being able to animate your site – without slowing it down.


Stays sharp at any resolution

Why use Lottie animations?

Lottie animations can be scaled up or down without pixelating. No matter the size, they always stay sharp.


Fits your brand’s visual identity

Why use Lottie animations?

Customize Lottie animations to fit any brand identity. It’s quick and easy with the free Lottie Editor.


Step 1: Add a new Lottie block

Get started in 3 simple steps


Step 1: Add a new Lottie block

Get started in 3 simple steps

Install the LottieFiles for WordPress plugin. Then, in the WordPress Gutenberg editor, add a new block.


Step 2: Add the Lottie animation

Get started in 3 simple steps


Step 2: Add the Lottie animation

Get started in 3 simple steps

Search for the "Lottie" block and insert it. Next, add a Lottie animation using the 'Discover animation, Media Library or Insert from URL.'


Step 3: Preview the Lottie animation

Get started in 3 simple steps


Step 3: Preview the Lottie animation

Get started in 3 simple steps

Once added, you'll see a preview in the Gutenberg editor, and you can adjust the animation settings in the right-hand panel.